Questions that you should ask your host family - AU PAIR APPLICATION

Questions that you should ask your host family - AU PAIR APPLICATION

Słowem wstępu... 
Jak wiadomo nie od dziś z rodziną goszczącą na początku trzeba porozmawiać na skype lub przez telefon. Często ktoś kto nie jest na to przygotowany zacina się, nie wie co powiedzieć, dlatego, że strach nas paraliżuje. Najważniejsze jest to, by nie dać się! Z uśmiechem na ustach usiąść i pytać o co tylko się da, bo kiedy jak nie teraz? Na miejscu może być już za późno, a właściwie pierwsze wrażenie ma ogromny wpływ na to jak rodziny będą nas postrzegały.

Hello guys! 
We all know it, finding the perfect au pair host family is a challenge, but I personally think it is possible. In order to find your perfect match I think it is important to ask as many questions as you can.
Don’t be scared to ask challenging questions or worry they will not like you. It’s important for both you and your host family to have a great match and successful au pair year. Not to mention that they will like seeing you are being proactive and showing interest in them and how is it going to be to live in their family.

I know it might be hard to come up with pertinent questions so here’s a selection of questions I think everyone is better off asking their potential family before signing anything.

- What do the children like doing (interests, hobbies, favourite activities)?
- If the child is a baby, is she/he walking and/or talking yet and how do they get there?
- What do the children think about having an Au pair in the family?
- What are their favorite games and toys?
- What time does the school starts/ends ?
- What are their personalities like?
- Is there anything I need to know about the children? Do they have any special needs, allergies or diseases?
- What do they like to eat?
- Do the children have a lot of friends?
- Do children have any behavioral problems?
- What is your approach to raising your children?

- Do you like your au pairs?
- How do you feel with the new person at home?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Do you like going to school?
- What do you like doing in weekends?
- What would you like to do with your au pair?
- Would you like to have me as an your aupair?

- Where do you work?
- What are your habits?
- What are your hobbies?
- What will your daily life look like?
- What do you like to do at weekends?
- Will one of you be at home while I will be taking care of the children?
- How would you describe your family?
- Do you have any pets/animals?
- Did you have an au pair before? *If yes, ask your host family if you can get in touch with their current Au Pair (or their previous Au Pairs) to talk to them about living with the host family*
- Do you follow any special diet?
- Why are you interested in hosting an au pair?
- What made you interested in my application?

- What will my schedule be like and what activities will you expect me to do with the children?
- What kind of rules would you ask an au pair to follow?
- How many hours per day will I have for my own? What about weekends?
- How do you spend your weekends with your children?
- Will I have to cook for children?
- Please, describe my work schedule for all week 
- Will I be responsible for any household duties that relate to the children?
- How many days per week do you expect me to work?
- How many days per week will I have off?
-  What time does the school starts/ends ?
- Do you expect me to have a babysitting and how often?

- Tell me something about  the area where you live?
- Are there other families with children nearby?
- Are there any au pais in the area?
- Are you the family's first Au Pair?
- What’s the weather like there?
- What are the possibilities of spending free time in your town? (local attractions, cinemas, theatres, etc.)

- Will I be allowed to drive your car?
- May I use the car in my spare time?
- Will I have to pay for a fuel/gas?

- At what hours will I be able to go to college? Will I can go there when your children will be at school? where is the college in your village?
- Do your family eat any special food? 
- What will your room look like?  Will I have a TV set? (If you have a video call with them, ask the host family to show you your room)
- Will I have my own bathroom?
- May I use stereo, TV, computer at any time? 
- Are there any restrictions on computer and Internet use? Are children allowed to watch TV, play computer games?
- When we go out together as a family, should I pay for my entrance fees, meals?
- What if I become ill?
- May I open a bank account? Will you help me handle that?
- May I rearranged my room?- Will you go on trips together?
-May I use the family's bathroom toiletries (toothpaste, soap, shower gel) or am I responsible for purchasing my own?
- What do I call you?
- Is there any curfew?
- Will your host family take out a health, accident and liability insurance for you?
- What about holidays and vacation? Will the host family take you with them? Are you expected to look after the children during that time?
- Will I be using telephone and internet? Who will pay for it?
- Can my family and friends visit me and stay in your home?
- Do I have your holidays off?
- What if I will fall ill?
- Can you give me some advice on handling money? 
- Will I need an extra driver licence for the state?
- Do you travel sometimes, and if yes, can go with you? I would like to visit new places…

- When will you usually be working?
- When will your host parents be working?
- Will you be expected to babysit in the evenings? If so, how often?
- On which days and evenings will you have some time off?
- How far is the nearest city from your host family's home?
- Can it easily be reached by public transport?
- Are you expected to be a good car driver?
- What and when do they typically eat?
- Does the family follow a special diet?
- Will they take you with them on their holidays? If so: what will be your tasks during that time? 
- Will you have your own room?
- Will you need your own laptop in order to use the Internet?
- How much pocket money will you receive each month?
- Have they considered taking out an au pair insurance policy for you or will your own health insurance provide full coverage throughout your stay in your host country?
- When will be the best time for you to attend a language course?
- Will your host family be able to help you find the right language course?
- Are there more au pairs close to your host family's home?
- What will your daily routine with the host family look like?

Pogrubioną czcionką zaznaczyłam ważniejsze kwestie wg. mnie. Jak macie jakieś pomysły to piszcie w komentarzach! :
Pamiętajcie, że wszystkie ważne informacje na temat waszych obowiązków albo na temat dzieci przed wylotem powinniście mieć napisane w e-mailu, by w razie czego móc się do tego odnosić. Pytajcie o cokolwiek, nawet o głupie rzeczy, w ten sposób po przylocie będzie tylko łatwiej :) 

One advice: Don’t choose a family because they live in your dream city. Don’t choose to match only because you are afraid no one else will want to match with you.

Mam nadzieję, że komuś pomogłam pisząc ten post. No i ja sama będę na to wszystko lepiej przygotowana!
Buziaki, Sandra.